Opening Hours

  • Monday09:00am - 03:00pm
  • Tuesday09:00am - 03:00pm
  • Wednesday09:00am - 03:00pm
  • Thrusday09:00am - 03:00pm
  • Friday09:00am - 03:00pm
  • Saturday    09:00am - 03:00pm
  • Sunday Close

Colvin Taluqdars' College

Affiliated to Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi

(A Premier Residential-Cum-Day Boarding School)

History of the College

history Colvin Taluqdars' College was established in 1889. It has been a vanguard of modern education in North India. Established to provide education to the children of the privileged classes, the College transformed itself to an inclusive and egalitarian institution, inspired by the Independence of India in 1947. As a result, the College boasts of a tradition of nobility, blended with all that is noble in modern India. The aristocratic privilege, once regarded as a prerequisite for admission to the College, has now been replaced by merit, which is the hallmark of modern aristocracy.

In keeping with its traditions and the requirement of a global world, the English language continues to be the medium of instruction. This is to ensure that the present generation is advantaged and finds itself equipped to take up international responsibilities, requiring fluency in the English language. The general atmosphere is avowedly secular, while the belief systems of all faiths are equally respected. A cosmopolitan mixture of students from different strata of modern society provides an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect. This ensures that the students also learn from and bond with each other.

The grave of J.R.Colvin at Agra Fort
The Motto of the College is Noblesse Oblige. This roughly translated from the original French suggests that whoever claims to be noble must conduct himself nobly. The College has trained some of the finest minds in the country. Our students can be found in every walk of national life including politics, the armed forces, administration, art, entertainment, medicine, sports and law. Colvinians are spread throughout the world carrying with them the values of the institution as enshrined in the College Motto.
The College values the contributions made by the alumni not just to society as a whole but also to the existing students through personal example and frequent motivational addresses on appropriate occasions.